Day 2

As a pre-assessment, students participated in a KWLD discussion, sharing what they know, want to know/experience regarding sustainable and regenerative agriculture.  Later in the class, they will share what they learned and will do as a result of the class experience.

Students had the opportunity to work with Master Gardener, Ruth Flescher through viewing her demonstration plot and demonstration of weed suppression methods.  The students were able to select a package of unique seeds to plant in their Silverwood gardens or take home. The older students created a walking path using cardboard and wood chips.  In addition they planted melon and squash using a no-till method.  Students hilled up the soil, planted the starts, and laid cardboard and hay around the fruit and vegetable starts.

Students also explored vermiculture as a means to improve soil health. Students are scooping the soil and worm castings into pyramids, allowing the worms to move deeper into the soil to escape the sunlight.  The soil/castings at the top were removed and later used as soil enhancement.  The younger class listened to Yucky Worms by Vivian French being read, which shares about the benefit of worms to the soil.